Monday, December 8, 2008

Eco USB (echo echo echo)

It's a battery, no it's a USB--- it's a USB battery!

One of the best uses yet of a USB is not the desktop lava lamp, not the USB vacuum cleaner, and not the USB boxing ring, but the eco-friendly and ingenious rechargeable battery, USBCELL.
Use it up and then pop it into any USB port and recharge.
No cumbersome charger to tote around (just your cumbersome laptop).
But if you're like most of us, you're never too far from a computer!
Even the airports now have USB ports built into the computer-friendly seats and laptop stations.

They will be soon available in all sizes AA, AAA, C, D and 9V; and also with the mini-USB connector. The uses are boggling since I can foresee recharging the battery and then using the mini-USB connector to emergency charge my Dash cellphone which uses the mini-USB.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Photo in toto

Back to all things photo, here are some great online resources to help those who don't want to invest in the cost and effort of such intensive photo editing software as Photoshop.

Photoshop has now brought its wares to the masses. No download, no cost, no complexity. Just edit photos directly online using Photoshop Express.

Pixenate is an award winning site that easily and quickly lets you edit your photos and then add a little zing to them.

Professionally optimize your images using! using lossless algorithms. Good access options via direct photo upload, URL link, or Firefox extension install.

Now it's time to have some fun with all these photos---there are interesting sites that let you manipulate images online creating fun and imaginative effects.

Photofunia places your photo of choice within pre-designed images such as cityscapes, advertising, and other everyday scenes:

Big Huge Labs is a Flickr related site that lets you do fun things with photos. Everything from jigsaw puzzles to magazine covers and these:

If you wish to only do one thing to your photos, quick and dirty, then try these:

Rounded Corners



Lastly, take all those images and create your own classic style comic strip--- from your own photos or other images using Comeeko:

Enjoy your photos more!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's a Wii Wii World

For those not in the Wii World, you may wish to move on to your next task of the day, but for those who are casual Wiiers there's a World of Wii of which you likely have no knowledge--- HomeBrew [a term frequently applied to video games that are produced by consumers on proprietary game platforms -from Wiki] or in this case, WiiBrew, the homebrew channel.

So basically with some key downloads, an SD storage card, and the game Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, you can achieve a HACK of the Wii system that lets you add a whole new channel with all sorts of games created by people other than Nintendo and its licensees. It also lets you add other hacks such as utilities that let you play DVDs through the console, play Wii games from other regions (Region Free), hack your Mii (gold pants), FTP using your wireless internet connection, add Emulators allowing you to play games made for other current (SEGA, GameBoy) and ancient (ATARI, but I'm holding out for MAME) systems. Hell--it even lets you connect your PC to the damn thing. Of course all of this pisses of Nintendo which wishes to control every bit and byte of your use of their system (Can you say "proprietary"). I guess they have learned nothing from Google, Linux, and other works of the Open Source World inhabited by their core audience.

Now the faint of heart should not try this at home, nor mess with Mii, or you could BRICK your system (turn your console into nothing more than a useless brick) . But if you mod your way to this channel, the rewards are endless.

Some samplings:

The hack that gets all this done is apparently in the game Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess hence the moniker Twilight Hack. There is a hole in the code where new code can be inserted and thus is born a new channel.

Just some information for you soccer dads and closet geeks, since it got Mii going Wiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Stick Up?

16GB stick for $50?! Remember how just a blip ago we were ecstatic at a 1GB hard drive!!

We are not far away from hard-drive size memory in your pocket--I'm talking 100GB and up on a flash drive or memory card at reasonable prices.

If 16GB on a USB stick is this cheap, then it's quite clear that the Memory Makers are holding back on us. The Government is likely already using Phat Sized Sticks and the trickle down effect is moving at the speed of
Mbps. Who needs a WD Passport, wait just a sec...

Kingston 16GB DataTraveler 100 Flash Drive
Sleek, capless, and divine. The DataTraveler holds all your documents in an affordable, convenient device and lets you easily store and move large files in a device no bigger than a pocketknife. DataTraveler 100 is available in capacities up to 16GB to give you plenty of room to hold just about any document, from term papers and theses to digital images, spreadsheets or other important documents. more info
LIST PRICE: $77.00
$ 49 .95


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dial i for Phone

In past centuries there really was a dial on a phone and hence, you
dialed a number. We have made so many advances since then to the age of the iPhone (wish I had one). No, really. I WISH I HAD ONE. Can someone talk to T-Mobile for me about that?

But secretly we---that is those of use who can remember ---are yearning for the good old days of LPs (yup they're making them again too), lower gas prices, and now the dial phone. But on your iPhone. It's the iRetroPhone.
It actually is pretty cool. It is realistic looking and sounding. The irony abounds for the placing of the slowest, tedious dialing method onto the most innovative state-of-the-art phone, but Baby Boomers toting iPhones will wax nostalgic for the days of tangled cords and Princess line phones and probably plunk down the $2.99 pricepoint just for the fun of it.
I wish i had an iPhone.

Ride the Bus

USB is taking over tech. Everything charges, connects and controls by USB these days. I just built a new computer and have 10 installed internal USB ports. I am sure I will soon run out though as my current list of devices usually wired in right now totals 7:
  • printer
  • scanner
  • cellphone
  • digital camera
  • soundblaster 5.1 surround
  • palm
  • ipod
That leaves me just 3 empty slots for the various rotating menagerie of thumb drives to which I am addicted. I buy them like candy in a 5 and dime store. Intermittently used devices like my USB rechargeable battery, USB fan, USB light, USB mp3 players (including cool Target mp3 player giftcard) are also loitering all around my computer like cars waiting to board the auto train to Florida.

If you haven't looked into the bevy of mindless devices using Universal Serial Bus technology, take a ride over to sites USB Gadgets and USB Geek to find such treasures as the aroma dispenser:

the doomsday hub:

the desktop Xmas tree:

and the rocket launcher:

But to support all this serial swag you will likely need a USB hub (think of Newark but with fewer gates) as most computers come with only 2 or 3 ports. I've always loved Belkin's computer peripheral products and their hub lines are something to marvel and envy.

The one I'm currently jonesing for is the in-desk hub. You know that waste-of-a-space hole in your desk with that little cover that usually pops out never to be found again?

Perfect use and placement. If you prefer however the Airstream of hubs, this iPod wannabe will do:

This will allow you to load up on lots more USB gadgets. What?! ---you want USB devices that actually are useful? I've previously shown you the recordable turntable and cassette tape player but there's plenty more stuff out there.



Cell extender

send voicemail


So join the USB Revolution and hop a ride on the Bus.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hear the Tech

There are some very cool gadgets out that should be on any Baby Boomer wish list. It's about time someone thought of this and made it affordable.

USB Turntables by ION

Portable version

Desktop version

Plugs into your computer via USB cable, in the $100-range, and sleek designs. Convert all your old records of Fleetwood Mac and The Partridge Family to mp3, or just listen through the computer speakers.

Not to be left out, crack open the faux leather cassette carriers and convert all your old mix tapes to mp3 as well!

Tape Deck by PlusDeck

Slides into the CD/DVD bay of your desktop computer and even features auto-reverse

Dual USB Cassette Deck by ION

Dual cassette USB standalone model

Awesome additions to the music universe for our aging musical collections!
Now how about one for my 8 Track collection?!
