Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dial i for Phone

In past centuries there really was a dial on a phone and hence, you
dialed a number. We have made so many advances since then to the age of the iPhone (wish I had one). No, really. I WISH I HAD ONE. Can someone talk to T-Mobile for me about that?

But secretly we---that is those of use who can remember ---are yearning for the good old days of LPs (yup they're making them again too), lower gas prices, and now the dial phone. But on your iPhone. It's the iRetroPhone.
It actually is pretty cool. It is realistic looking and sounding. The irony abounds for the placing of the slowest, tedious dialing method onto the most innovative state-of-the-art phone, but Baby Boomers toting iPhones will wax nostalgic for the days of tangled cords and Princess line phones and probably plunk down the $2.99 pricepoint just for the fun of it.
I wish i had an iPhone.

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